Scared, nervous, excited. That's how I felt at the beginning of the summer. On the one hand, I was pumped to have the girls home full-time after a semester of half-day preschool. As much as preschool helped with my sanity, I missed them fiercely. So, I was feeling excited to have a few months to ourselves. We were going to have morning swims in the kiddie pool, dig for treasure in the sandbox, go on grand adventures in the neighborhood.
But then I remembered I have a job. A full-time, sometimes uber-demanding job. That's when I got nervous. And a little scared. After several months of finding a great balance of work and life, I knew we were about to turn things on their head.
Spoiler alert: We survived! And had a (mostly) great time. There were moments where I thought I was going to drop one of the many balls hanging precariously in the air, but I wouldn't trade it for all of the special memories we made.
Here's a look back at our summer:
We Made A Play-House
We Visited My Sister
We Played On the Porch in PJs and Rain Boots
We Went to the Lake
We Spent Loads of Time with Family
We Drove Cars, Motorcycles, Airplanes … At The Fair
We Took Our Things To The Zoo
We Met Willie and Weren't Scared
We Practiced Loving Each Other ...
... And Being Silly
And Then Before We Knew It … School Started Again