Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Following My Arrow

Today is my birthday. The big 3-1. Which is quite possibly the most anti-climatic year ever. 

When you turn 30, you do something outrageous like fly to Vegas, take a cross country road trip or go on a cruise. Something that really tells your 20s to take a long walk off a short pier. But when you turn 31, you hit snooze one more time because, hey, it's your birthday and you deserve it. 

(I should note, for the record, that on my 30th birthday, my family came over to my very messy house after I worked a 10-hour day and were treated to a grump with a headache. Almost as awesome as Vegas.)

So, coworkers: my apologies for being seven minutes late today. But give me some slack -- it's my birthday.

Alongside hearing the story of my birth, one of my favorite things to do on my birthday is reflect on where I am, where I've been and where I want to go. 

This year it's all about following my own arrow. This philosophy has been taking root for years now, but when I heard the song by Kacey Musgraves (Follow Your Arrow), it spoke to my heart. If there is one thing I could tell my 13-year-old self, it would be to raise my hand more in class during discussions and don't be shy about my opinions. (And seriously, it's not OK to wear boxer shorts to school. I don't care if it was in style). If there is one thing I could tell my 23-year-old self, it would be to stop caring about what others think or whether they will approve. I would tell my 28-year-old self to stop comparing my parenting to that of others. And in three years, I'll be telling my girls the same thing -- be yourself because no one else is better for the job. 

"Say what you feel. Love who you love. 'Cause you just get so many trips 'round the sun." - Kacey Musgraves

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