Want to know what’s worse than writing a summer wrap-up blog that you’re sure no one will be interested in reading but you have to write because you didn’t write all summer and you want to want to remember this most magical summer ever when you’re 85 and missing your babies?
I’ll tell you what’s worse. Re-writing it because you wrote the stupid thing 2 weeks ago and haven’t posted it yet because you were trying to round up all 162 pictures for it and then somehow your blog is nowhere to be found and you are certain you saved it and HOW COULD YOU NOT SAVE IT???
So, take 2.
Three weeks into summer, I declared that this summer was the most magical summer ever. After reviewing the summer in its entirety, I’m stickin’ to it.
We slept in, lounged around, participated in several fun activities (zoo camp, volleyball camp, summer musical, softball, etc) and most importantly, reconnected in a way that we all needed very much, especially me. I was missing my girls something fierce by the time the school year ended.
Because these stories are really best told in pictures (all 162 of them), I’m turning this bad boy into a two-part series.
Probably one of my most favorite memories of the summer was coaching the girls’ softball team. I have wanted to coach softball since I was young and always dreamed of doing it for my daughters. Last year, Scott coached t-ball and I was sidelined with a Henry schmoodle poodle. But this year, I tossed the toddler to Scott and grabbed my clipboard. Working with kids is my passion and I don’t get many opportunities outside of my own children, so meeting these girls, teaching them, laughing with them, cheering them on, feeling their mistakes and their victories was AH-MAZING.
My Beauties
Grace is known for her penchant for drama, and while Claire is considerably less dramatic in her day-to-day interactions, she loves to pretend as well. So, we signed them up for the summer musical, which happened to be Beauty & the Beast. Now, something you may or may not know about my girls: they loooooove to complain. They’ll beg to do something, so I’ll sign them up and then they’ll complain about it when it’s time to participate. Then they’ll also complain when it’s time to leave. I’m pretty sure it’s just a psychological experiment to find Mom’s breaking point. But surprisingly, play practice (which was 12 hours a week for six weeks) was something they looked forward to each and every time. And they didn’t even have speaking parts! As soon as the play wrapped up, they were already asking to do it again next summer. Here they are as the cutest villagers and candlesticks:
Mother-Daughter Bonding
Scott and I took a trip BY OURSELVES this summer (more on that later), which was the first time in a loooong time that has happened. And naturally, because I’m me, I was fairly worried I was going to die in a plane crash and leave my children mother-less. So, to mitigate this worry, I did some special mother-daughter bonding before I left. (Mother-son bonding happens all day, every day so future Henry don’t be disgruntled that I didn’t get your nails done, too). My mom, sister and I took the girls with us to their very first pedicures! It was a treat for Grace, and Claire might have liked it more if there wasn’t so much waiting around. In addition to pedis, we also saw Wonder Woman. You might be asking yourself if these activities send conflicting messages, but I say the message is clear: You can be a powerful woman AND have pretty nails while you’re kicking butt.
Fourth of July
The day before we left on our adult-only vacation, we celebrated the Fourth of July in our traditional way — spending way too much money at a nearby carnival, loading up on funnel cakes and watching one of the best fireworks show in Kansas. As always with Henry, I was exhausted by the time we left. He’s a bit of a firecracker himself, but it was fun watching him enjoy the carnival rides for the first time.
Come back tomorrow for the exciting conclusion of The Most Magical Summer Ever!
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