Dear Smiliest Henry,
Oh the smiles!! The beautiful, heart-warming, joy-inducing, bad-day-erasing smiles! A week or so into Month Two, you started smiling. And you haven’t looked back since.
You love baths and have been swimming twice. Both times you fell asleep while we walked around the pool, so I’m going to say pools are A-OK, too.
This month you also started getting more and more vocal. During your smile sessions, you really get going with your “talking” as well. Claire thinks you have said things like “Once upon a time” and “whoa!” But Grace is less sure that you are doing anything more than babbling.
As I mentioned recently, sleeping and eating is much improved! Last night I put you to bed around 11 p.m. and had to wake you up at 7 a.m. this morning. I don’t know what I have done to deserve that, but I’ve been saying my daily thank-yous to just about everyone and everything.
You are also blowing bubbles like a real champ and drenching several shirts a day.
This month was especially wonderful because life has become much easier than Month One and I haven’t started back to work yet, so we have had these beautiful weeks of just enjoying each other. You have often fell asleep on my chest, quietly breathing in and out, growing my love exponentially with each breath you take.
From the moment you were born, the girls have loved you to pieces. This month was no different. They hug you, kiss you and constantly try to get you to smile. But what I have really loved watching is how you are starting to respond to them. When they come around, your head turns that way and you will often start smiling at them before they even notice. I can see in your eyes how much you are already starting to love those sisters of yours. Let’s hope that endures when you are five and they are 10 and they find you in their room messing with their stuff.
At last month’s check-up, you were 10 lbs, 9 oz and 23.75 inches (100% for height!). This month you are 12 lbs, 9 oz and 24.5 inches (97% for height, 56% for weight). The doctor said everything looks great and you are developmentally at the four-month-old mark.
Happy two-month birthday, my smiley guy.
Your Mama
Your Mama
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